Article on HIV-activism, memory and aging in Finnish feminist magazine

Astra,, a Finnish feminist magazine publishes an article on the topic of HIV activism, aging and memory. The translated title of the article is "Through layers of time: HIV activism today and then" (original title "Genom lager av tid: HIV-aktivism då och nu"). The article is inspired by the discussion EUROPACH organised in November with Robert Campillo, director of 120 BPM, as guest and is written by EUROPACH member Lina Bonde.



Zülfukar Çetin, Documenta 14

View EUROPACH post-doc Zülfukar Çetin's talk entitled Taking Control of One’s Own Body: Refugee Sex Workers and Moralizing the Sex of Others from the event "The Parliament of Bodies: How does it feel to be a problem?" on April 28, 2017 as part of Documenta 14.

Sergi: Berlin` de KaosGL`ye ait bir "Colony"

9 Mart 2018 akşamı insan-merkezci olmayan bir kurguyu tartıştıran koloni sergisi Berlin Gay Müzesi`nde (Schwules Museum) açıldı: Sergi izleyicilerini "Queer etik türler arası ilişkileri nasıl kurabilir?" sorusu hakkında düşündürmeyi amaçlıyor. Europach Araştırma Projesinin sivil  toplum partneri Kaos GL Derneği’nin Derya Bayraktaroğlu ve Aylime Aslı Demir’in kuratörlüğünde Berlin’de açılan koloni sergisinin ikinci edisyonu 15 Nisan 2018` e kadar ziyaret edilebilir. Sergi hakkında daha fazla bilgiyi KaosĞL`nin aşağıda yayınlamış olduğu haberden alabilirsiniz



2nd European ChemSex Forum in Berlin March 22-24

EUROPACH is looking forward to the 2nd European ChemSex Forum, which is to be held in Berlin from the 22nd-24th of March. From the website: "Building on the 2016 European ChemSex Forum, a preliminary intelligence gathering and networking event, the 2nd European ChemSex Forum will call for concrete actions at the local level to provide strategic resources to ChemSex responders. Working together, we'll develop a platform to engage in international, cross-sector, multi-disciplinary dialogue around ChemSex – defined by the use of specific drugs ("Chems") in a sexual context - and facilitate coordinated responses to ChemSex issues in locales where ChemSex related harm is a problem, regardless of its size and impact".

Patronsuz ve Pezevenksiz Bir Dünya: 3 Mart Dünya Seks İşçileri Günü

Europach Araştırma Projesinin sivil toplum partnerlerinden 2006 yılında kurulan  Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği her yıl olduğu gibi bu yıl da 3 Mart Dünya Seks İşçileri Günü’ne dair bir basın bir açıklaması yayınladı. Bu basın açıklamasında dernek basına ve kamuoyuna seslenerek “Seks İşçilerinin Hakları İnsan Haklarıdır” ve “Patronsuz ve Pezevenksiz Bir Dünya İstiyoruz” mesajlarını illeti. Basın açıklamasının tam metnine bu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz.

Co-founder of one of our partner organisations, Kaos GL, has been taken into detention!

Ali Erol, co-founder of one of our partner organisations, Kaos GL, has been taken into detention! Please spread the word.

Press release by Kaos GL: LGBTI activist Ali Erol, a member of the initial team to begin publishing Kaos GL magazine in 1994 and one of the founders of Kaos GL, was detained in a police operation on the house he shares with his life partner Friday morning.

While there was no clear information on the grounds for Ali Erol's detention, the lawyers said his social media posts were included in the detention warrant. The detentions of many people in Ankara police operations due to social media posts has been reported.

Detained Ali Erol is a leading LGBTI activist in the world and was the recipient of the David Kato Vision & Voice Award in 2013.

The detention of Erol, a leading activist in the LGBTI movement, once again shows the point freedom of expression has come to in Turkey. Erol's detention following Ankara governor's "ban on LGBTI events for an indefinite period" in November 2017 reveals once again the increase in obstacles and pressures against LGBTI rights.

Our lawyers are following the judicial process. We will continue sharing as we learn details.

Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. LGBTI rights are human rights. We demand that one of our founders, LGBTI activist Ali Erol be immediately released!

Kaos GL Association

Video Recording of Discussion on HIV Activism in Europe

In collaboration with the film distributors Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH, members of the EUROPACH research team and representatives of our non-academic partners including the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), AIDS Action Europe, and the Internation Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE), met with the director of 120 BPM, Robin Campillo, at the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg-Museum in Berlin to discuss memories and cultural depictions of HIV activism in France and around Europe. The discussion has been video recorded and will be available as an extra feature on the soon-to-be-released DVD of 120 BPM in Germany. Segments of the interview are also now available to view on the website of a German-language film magazine, SISSY, which focuses on non-heterosexuel films.

Panel on Understanding AIDS Activism and Public Health Policy in Europe through Oral History

Come and hear several EUROPACH members on the panel "Understanding AIDS Activism and Public Health Policy in Europe through Oral History" to be held on Wednesday 4 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30 at the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), which will take place in Belfast. The panel was organized together with the historian Christopher Ewing, will be chaired by our own Prof. Beate Binder, and we are honoured that Professor Cindy Patton will join the panel as discussant.

Panel dyskusyjny z okazji WAD

Zachęcamy do wysłuchania panelu dyskusyjnego z okazji Światowego Dnia AIDS, który odbył się w Krakowie w dniu 1 grudnia z inicjatywy Stowarzyszenia "Jeden Świat". W panelu udział wzięli: 

  • lek. Stanisław Żołądek - lekarz psychiatra, doradca w punktach anonimowego i bezpłatnego testowania na HIV w Krakowie i Rzeszowie, 
  • dr n. społ. Maria Brodzikowska - pedagożka, terapeutka, doradczyni i koordynatorka w punktach anonimowego i bezpłatnego testowania na HIV w Krakowie i Rzeszowie, prezeska Stowarzyszenia Profilaktyki i Wsparcia w zakresie HIV/AIDS «Jeden Świat», 
  • Przemysław Walas - koordynator projektów w Stowarzyszeniu Tęczówka w Katowicach, z którym jest związany od samego początku istnienia, 
  • Agnieszka Kotnis-Gąska - magister analityki. Doradca w Punktach Konsultacyjno-Diagnostycznych w Krakowie i Rzeszowie. Zajmowała się też wykonywaniem testów w kierunku HIV od strony laboratoryjnej. 

Panel moderowany był przez Konrada Janika, członka Stowarzyszenia Profilaktyki i Wsparcia w zakresie HIV/AIDS «Jeden Świat», koordynatora eventów edukacyjno-artystycznych, oraz Justyną Struzik, badaczkę w projekcie EUROPACH oraz wolontariuszkę w "Jednym Świecie".

Link do nagrania:

Remembering HIV Activism Tomorrow: Engaging with an Ongoing History of Struggle

How do we provide an account of HIV activism in art and film? What kind of narratives exist, and by whom? What do these stories of the past say about today, and about the possibilities for the future?

On the evening of the Berlin-premiere of the film "120 Battements par Minute" (120 BPM), which looks back at the Paris satellite group of the transnational AIDS activist movement ACT UP! (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power!), come and join EUROPACH members, associated partners and invited guests ( for a group discussion that seeks to address these and other questions.

Entitled "Remembering HIV Activism Tomorrow", the collective reflection will bring together a range of activists, researchers, artists and other actors directly engaged in or involved in documenting the history of AIDS activism in Europe, including the director of the film and former ACT UP! Paris member, Robin Campillo.

The discussion will be free of charge and include drinks and light food, and will take place in English in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum on the 13th of November from 6 to 9 pm. Immediately following the event, the group will head to the 22:00 screening of the film at Kino International, which will be in French with German subtitles and cost 7.50 (6.50 reduced).


FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum

Adalbertstr. 95A, 10999 Berlin, Germany

Monday, November 13 at 6 PM - 9 PM

// Poster design by Colin Quinn

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